Sunday, November 15, 2015

Xtramath Certificate

Congratulations to another Xtramath Basic Fact Master!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Athletics Day

Our school Athletics Day was held on Friday 6 November.  Thank you to everyone for their fantastic effort. It was a very enjoyable day.  Well done.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Cameo Writing

Room 22 have been learning to make a picture for their reader as they write.  We have been practising this through cameo writing. This is where you use a description by an author and change the description to create your own image.

Here are some character descriptions:

The girl was curly and skinny, and her face had leftover makeup from the swelling. The voice on her mouth was deep and angry. She wore a torn dress and clean red skirt, and here was the embarrassing part: no socks.  Her feet looked like burnt toast.  
By Amena

The Cockatoo                                   

The yellow crested cockatoo was white and yellow, and his beak was shining in the sun. He wore a Broncos shirt and flash shorts, and here was the odd part: no sound. The colour of his eyes looked like a raging fish.
By Jack

The Girl

The girl was skinny and funny, and her face was mud-brown from the sun. The look in her eyes was angry and mean. She wore a burnt rugby league Warriors t-shirt and muddy trousers, and here was the odd part: no socks. The moles on her socks looked like a rat was living in her socks.
By Harvey

The Weird Person Kid
The girl was strawberry-red and whale like, and her hand was droopy  from the fat. The shadow on her back was unpleasant and exterminator. She wore an awful starless jacket and wounded bony pants, and here was the different part: no footgear. The length of his feet was as long as a pole.
By Ryan