Sunday, November 15, 2015

Xtramath Certificate

Congratulations to another Xtramath Basic Fact Master!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Athletics Day

Our school Athletics Day was held on Friday 6 November.  Thank you to everyone for their fantastic effort. It was a very enjoyable day.  Well done.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Cameo Writing

Room 22 have been learning to make a picture for their reader as they write.  We have been practising this through cameo writing. This is where you use a description by an author and change the description to create your own image.

Here are some character descriptions:

The girl was curly and skinny, and her face had leftover makeup from the swelling. The voice on her mouth was deep and angry. She wore a torn dress and clean red skirt, and here was the embarrassing part: no socks.  Her feet looked like burnt toast.  
By Amena

The Cockatoo                                   

The yellow crested cockatoo was white and yellow, and his beak was shining in the sun. He wore a Broncos shirt and flash shorts, and here was the odd part: no sound. The colour of his eyes looked like a raging fish.
By Jack

The Girl

The girl was skinny and funny, and her face was mud-brown from the sun. The look in her eyes was angry and mean. She wore a burnt rugby league Warriors t-shirt and muddy trousers, and here was the odd part: no socks. The moles on her socks looked like a rat was living in her socks.
By Harvey

The Weird Person Kid
The girl was strawberry-red and whale like, and her hand was droopy  from the fat. The shadow on her back was unpleasant and exterminator. She wore an awful starless jacket and wounded bony pants, and here was the different part: no footgear. The length of his feet was as long as a pole.
By Ryan

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Xtramath Certificates

Congratulations to our Xtramath Masters so far!

In addition...

In subtraction...

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Corey Visits with his Lamb and Piglet

We were very lucky to have a visit today from our past classmate, Corey.  He now lives in the countryside where his school has an Agriculture Day (Ag Day).  He brought his pet lamb, Lambo, and piglet, Crackles, in to visit us. Crackles won the prize for best overall animal at Ag Day, and Lambo did very well with leading and calling.

Here are some photos from the visit:

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Book Parade Day

Room 22 is all ready for today's Book Parade!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Maths Sharing - Using Educreations

Room 22 students are extremely lucky to have received an iPad for supporting their learning.  We are learning to use the app Educreations to share and explain what we are learning in maths.  Below is an example from Balmeet sharing her learning with fractions. Others can be seen on individual blogs.

Book Week - Student Readers

During Book Week senior school students are reading to senior classes to share stories they enjoy reading.  Today Jed and Alex read to room 22.  They shared excerpts from Kensuke's Kingdom and Mockingjay.

Book Week Library Roadshow

As part of Book Week we had a visit from Pakuranga Library's Library Roadshow. Below are some photos of our visit.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

One Can, Two Can

Thanks to the room 22 families who have supported the Auckland City Mission by bringing in some canned food for families in need.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Tread Lightly Caravan

Today room 22 had a fantastic learning experience at the Tread Lightly Caravan. It is an environmental classroom where children learn about sustainable practices and how to reduce their carbon footprint. 
Thank you to our adult helpers, you made the experience so much more worthwhile for the children.

Have a look at the experiences we had....

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Spelling Words and Meanings

Term 2 Week 7

Maths Wednesday

We are learning to solve problems using multiplication strategies.

  1. Amena collects 3 Countdown cards each day.  How many cards does Amena have after 5 days?
  2. Journey is given 68 Countdown cards a day. How many cards does Journey have after 5 days?
  3. Senuth is given 6 482 Countdown cards each day. How many cards does Senuth have after 5 days?

The most efficient strategies we used:

Monday, May 25, 2015

Art Week - Mask Making

This week is Art Week.  Room 22 students are making masks inspired by the contemporary artist Romuald Hazoumé.  He is from Benin and is known for his art works made from using discarded plastic containers.

Here we are creating our masterpieces ...

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Options - Beginning our sculptures!

 Here we are creating the first of our sculptures.

Thanks to everyone for bringing in lots of bottle lids (more still appreciated, thank you so much).

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Maths Learning

Room 22 students are learning how to share their learning using digital technologies. Here are some students sharing the strategies they used to solve their maths problem.
Lily  Rhi-Anna
Jed  Lily #2


Today in options the Enviro Sculpture Group got creative and designed some possible sculptures.  We then shared our designs and voted on what designs we would like to make in our future option classes.

Here are some photos of our designs.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Bottle Lids/Caps

This term we will be doing some activities that use recycled lids and bottle caps. 
It would be appreciated if students could save lids and caps and bring them into class.

Thank you 

ANZAC Biscuits

Today we have eaten ANZAC biscuits kindly baked by our lovely teacher Miss N. They tasted wonderful. They were golden and crispy. When I saw the golden crispy biscuits, my mouth started to water. They looked delicious. When I tasted the biscuits, it was delightful, crunchy and soft. We had ANZAC biscuits because it is nearly ANZAC day.

Journey and Lily

Monday, March 23, 2015

What effect do humans have on Earth?

Room 22 is experimenting what impact items we use have on the environment. We are testing to see whether some daily items we use decompose or not. 

We are testing a plastic bag, apple core, cardboard and tissue paper. We are seeing if they decompose or not in water, air and soil.  Below are our hypotheses.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015

Cake Stall Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone for supporting the Senior School Cake Stall.  We raised an amazing $935 for the Year 6 Camp.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Swimming Lessons

Community Engagement BBQ

Thanks to everyone who attended our Community Engagement BBQ on Thursday.  A great time was had by all.  Here are a couple of pictures from the evening.


Monday, February 16, 2015

How Waste Free are Room 22's Lunches?

On Wednesday 11 February, our first Waste Free Wednesday of 2015, Room 22 wanted to find out how waste free our lunches actually were. 
Below are our results (click on the graphs to enlarge):

Some conclusions made:
Room 22 had more food wrappers than any other type of waste. - Bailey
We mostly have waste in Room 22. - Ashton
We have more waste than recyclable items. - Cole

Personal Goals for Waste Free Wednesdays:
Try to use reusable bags, instead of glad wrap. - Cole
I will try and bring waste free lunches every Wednesday, to reduce my amount of waste I have. - Lily
To bring less waste this year. - Senuth
My goal is to continuously bring waste free lunches. - Journey

Monday, February 9, 2015

Our Values

How does Room 22 show the school values?

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Today we were lucky to have Footballkids NZ at PHS. We had a half hour session learning some football skills and we practised these skills by playing some fun games.  Have a look at what we got up to ... 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ready, Steady, Go!

We started the year off by thinking about what it means to be a student at PHS.  Check out our brainstorm ...